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NOMINATION PERIOD ENDS Friday, December 13 at 5pm!


  1. No more than one REALTOR® may be honored each year. The recipient is selected by the Awards Task Force.
  2. The current GDWCAR President is not eligible for the award.
  3. The REALTOR® of the Year award shall be presented at the annual Installation of Officers and Directors.
  4. Any GDWCAR member may nominate a candidate. 
  5. Any GDWCAR REALTOR® member who has been a member for two or more years is eligible, with the exception listed in item #2 above.
  6. Letter of endorsement and/or recommendation in support of a candidate will be accepted, letter can be emailed to by the nomination deadline. 
  7. This nomination is to be kept confidential. 
  8. Following the nomination process each year, all nomination forms (except that of the recipient), will be discarded and will not be automatically considered the following year. 

Applications will be reviewed by the Award Task Force and upon selection, GDWCAR will immediately contact the nominating member to begin gathering information about the recipient. The nominating member will be asked to provide assistance in coordinating participation by the recipient’s family and friends at the annual Installation of Officers and Directors event in which the award is given.

Judging for the recipient is based on the following guidelines:
 National Association of REALTORS involvement · 10%
 Texas REALTORS® involvement · 20%
 Denton/Wise County Association Involvement · 25%
 Civic involvement and accomplishments · 20%
 Previous accomplishments in any of the above · 25%

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